Mpio FL 400 Instrukcja Użytkownika

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Strona 1 - User’s Manual

User’s ManualFL400_Eng_060216.indd 2-3 2006-02-16 ソタネト 2:57:30Downloaded from Manuals

Strona 2 - Introduction of

19 Connecting to a PC18󰬔 After selecting [FL400], click the [Next] button.󰬕 Click the [Next] buton. All the utility programs will be installed. Th

Strona 3 - Safety Precautions

21 Installing USB Driver Manually Connecting to a PC20█ Connect with a USB Connector󰬒 As in the figure, connect the product to the USB connection p

Strona 4 - Additional Usage

23 Using a Removable Disk Installing USB Driver Manually22󰬔 Insert the CD included in the package into the CD-ROM, check “CD-ROM DRIVE” and click t

Strona 5 - Product Features

25 Using a Removable Disk24Drag & Drop: Select the data store, click and hold down the left mouse button to drag the files into the Removable Dis

Strona 6 - Name of the Parts

ROOTRECORDWEST LIFE - LOVE.mp3►001/021 PopWEST LIFE - LOVE.mp300:40 02:50►001/021 PopWEST LIFE - LOVE.mp300:40 2027 Basic Operation█ To Play Mu

Strona 7

► 08:22:15MO 0:00:05 VOICE001.MP3 08:22:10MO 0:00:10 VOICE001.MP3MO 0:00:30 VOICE001.MP3► 001/021 PopWEST LIFE - LOVE.mp300:40 02:50MUSICWEST

Strona 8 - Recharging

ROOTRECORDMUSIC002.mp3MUSICWESTLIFE-LOVEMUSIC007.mp3► 001/021 PopWEST LIFE - LOVE.mp300:05 03:25MO CH 3◄ 89.9 MHZ ►CH01 : 105.50CH02 : 99.9

Strona 9 - Connecting to a PC

MO CH 1FM002.MP3 00:00MO CH 1FM002.MP3 01:20MO CH 1FM002.MP3 02:30107.7MHz107.7MHzMO CH 3◄ 89.9 MHZ ►CH01 : 105.50CH02 : 99.9MO CH 3 89.9M

Strona 10 - Connection

MusicRadioRecorderVoice QualityFM QualityRadio reservationAuto PresetSeek StepBandwidthAuto PlayA↔BLyricsFile InfoResumeFade InSleepAuto Power OffBack

Strona 11 - Connect with a USB Connector

System Contrast LanguageSystemContrast LanguageContrast Level 2Contrast Level 2SystemEQ Normal Pop37█ Setting EQYou can enjoy by setting the volu

Strona 12

3█ Copyright- MPIO holds patent, trademark, and other intellectual property right about this User’s Manual. Imitating all or part of software of this

Strona 13 - Using a Removable Disk

Recorder Voice Quality FM QualitySound Effect Off Pure StudioRepeat Normal Repeat OneVoice Quality Normal GoodRecorder Radio reservation39 S

Strona 14 - Basic Operation

Radio Auto Preset Seek StepAuto Preset Off OnSeek Step 50KHz 100KHzRadio Auto Preset Seek StepRadio BandwidthBandwidth US/EU/KR/CN Worldwi

Strona 15 - MUSIC007.mp3

System Auto Play A↔BAuto Play Off OnA↔B Off OnSystem Auto Play A↔BFile Info ID3 Tag File InfoSystem Lyrics File InfoSystem Resume Fade I

Strona 16 - MUSIC002.mp3

System Resume Fade InFade In Off On System Sleep Auto Power OffAuto Power Off3 Min System Sleep Auto Power OffSleep40 Min System Backlight

Strona 17 - Changing a saved frequency

System Backlight ContrastContrastLevel 2 System Language Time & DateY M D h m05 10 24 07 30Language English EstonianSystem Langu

Strona 18 - Menu Structure

FIRMWARE : 9.27MEMORY : 0070/0245 MBInfoSystem Alarm Info49 Formatting48 Setting the Menu [System Settings]You can format FL400 from a Windows PC

Strona 19

5150 FormattingFollow the instructions when formatting FL400 using a Windows PC without MPIO Utility. Using MPIO Utility is recommended for formatt

Strona 20 - Radio reservation Recording

53 Upgrading Firmware52 Storing Default SettingsThe files in FL400 will be lost after upgrading firmware. See page 17 [Installing the software] for i

Strona 21 - Setting Bandwidth

5554 Upgrading Firmware󰬚 Firmware is automatically upgraded when the device is unplugged from your PC. When the firmware upgrade is complete, FL400 w

Strona 22 - File Info

5756 TroubleshootingI cannot turn on the player. When the battery is used up, the device will not turn on. Charge, and then turn on device.I canno

Strona 23 - Contrast

The following information is for protecting the user’s safety and any property damages. Please read the following information and use the product acco

Strona 24 - Y M D h m

5958 Product SpecificationsDimensions 46(W) × 28(H) × 13.5(D)/mmWeight 25.5gDisplay(LCD) 128×48 Full Graphic LCDMemory 256MB / 512MB / 1GB / 2GBDecodi

Strona 25 - Checking Information

76 Table of ContentsGetting Started Safety Precautions ... 4 Product Features ...

Strona 26 - Customer Support

 차  차  차 차  차  차9 Components Product Features8Digital audio player with a simple design that everybody can use with ease. A compact, s

Strona 27

►08:22:10MO 0:00:10 VOICE001.MP3MO CH 3 89.9MHzMO CH 1FM002.MP3 01:20107.7MHzPopDisplays Stereo/MonoDisplays Channel numberBattery IndicatorDispla

Strona 28

13 Using the Necklace Earphones12󰬒 When you want to make the strap shorter, hold the necklace strap in the direction of the arrow as in the figure.󰬓 W

Strona 29 - Troubleshooting

15█ About the Internal Rechargeable Battery● Battery can be charged at any time but we recommend the battery to be fully charged before use.● If the

Strona 30 - Product Specifications

1717 Connecting to a PC1616█ System Requirement● IBM PC System: USB Interface 2.0, Standard device and a CD-ROM Drive equipped CPU: Pentium 133MHz

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