Mpio FY 500 Instrukcja Użytkownika

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Strona 1 - User’s Manual

FY500User’s Manual

Strona 2

1819Saving music and data file4!Illegal download and duplication of the MP3 file is prohibited by law. MPIO will bear any responsibility at all with re

Strona 3 - Table of Contents

2021Unplugging FY500 from the PC5It is recommended to comply with the following steps to save unplug FY500 from your PC. If you fail to comply with th

Strona 4 - 1. Introduction

22233. Learning Basic Usage3. Learning Basic Usage3. Learning Basic UsageInserting a battery1① Push the battery cover to the arrow direction to open i

Strona 5 - Product composition 3

2425④ Controlling the sound volume Push the stick towards direction to volume up or down.[Volume control during playback][Volume control while

Strona 6 - Name of components

2627Switching a mode (Playback mode 󰥷 FM Radio mode)5Switching from playback mode to FM radio mode① Press the FUNC button longer in the pause or stop

Strona 7 - 2. Before You Use

2829Changing the frequency saved in a channel. ① Select the channel containing the frequency, and push the stick towards direction. ② When the “OVERW

Strona 8

3031Using the menu 8*Press the stick longer vertically to enter into the menu.Main Menu Audio FM Radio Recording Entering into the menu screen1Using t

Strona 9

32334. Using Advanced Functions (Playback mode)Example 2. Changing the setting value in [Auto Play] menu① Entering into the menu: Push a stick longer

Strona 10 - Saving music and data file

34354. Using Advanced Functions (Playback mode)2Changing the EQ setting value (EQ)Method 1 (Using FUNC button)① Press the FUNC button during playback

Strona 11 - Unplugging FY500 from the PC

3637④ Push a stick towards to set the setting value for the first frequency range. 󰝚Adjusting the setting value for each frequency range. : Push

Strona 12 - 3. Learning Basic Usage

목 차 목 차 23Thank you for purchasing MPIO FY500. FY500 is a digital audio player that enables users to play back music conveniently and utilize it for v

Strona 13 - Navigation

38395Setting Repeat menu* You can adjust the playback order of the saved music files① Push a stick longer to enter into the menu. ② Check the cursor in

Strona 14 - Saving the channel

40417Adjusting the sound quality of voice recording * This section describes the menu settings that affect sound quality and function of voice recordi

Strona 15 - Selecting the saved channel

4243① Push a stick longer to enter into the menu.② Push a stick towards direction to select [Recording] menu, and push it again towards direction t

Strona 16 - Example

목 차 44458Setting Speed Control menu!This function is applicable for the MP3 file having lower than 22.05KHz sampling rate.* You can adjust speed o

Strona 17 - 4. Using Advanced Functions

4647FM Radio Mode 21Summary of button : Press the button shortly.: Press the button longer than 1 second.●▶●●●▶Button OperationScan Mode Channel M

Strona 18 - Setting User EQ menu

4849Setting Seek Step menu󰝚In this menu, you can set the frequency seek step when searching for the frequency range, using a stick.① Push a stick long

Strona 19 - Setting Live 3D Effect menu

5051 ④ Push a stick towards direction to select the intended FM sound. FM Radio Save channel FM Band SoundSound StereoMono ⑤ Push a stick towards

Strona 20 - Sector repeat (A ↔B)

52532-2) Setting Menu Language menu: You can select the language to display the menu – English, Korean, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, or Traditiona

Strona 21 - Push a stick towards

5455Display File InfoPlaying TimeScroll Speed Playing Time Running timeRemaining time ④ Push a stick towards direction to select the method o

Strona 22

5657③ Check the cursor in the [Contrast] menu and push a stick towards direction to enter into the menu. Or, push a stick shortly to the vertical d

Strona 23 - Deleting a File(s)

45Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents 1. Introduction1. Usage Precautions ① Usage environment and product safety ② User’s safety ③

Strona 24 - FM Radio Mode

5859System Auto PlayResumeFade In ResumeOffOn ④ Push a stick towards direction to set the resuming function, and push it towards direction to s

Strona 25 - Setting FM Sound menu

6061③ Check the cursor in the [Sleep] menu and push a stick towards direction to enter into the menu. Or, push a stick shortly to the vertical direct

Strona 26 - Setting Display menu

6263④ Push a stick towards direction to select the initialization status, and push it towards direction to save the setting value. Or, push a stick

Strona 27

64655. Formatting FY500 & Firmware Upgrade5. Formatting FY500 & Firmware Upgrade⑦ If formatting is complete, click the [OK] button.⑧ Click th

Strona 28

66672Saving the initial setting value!*If the player memory is formatted using Windows Format command (FAT or FAT16), the default setting values of th

Strona 29 - Setting System menu

6869⑦ Click the [OK] button. ⑧ If you unplug the player from the PC, the play will automatically start firmware upgrade. You can check firmware u

Strona 30

70716. Miscellaneous6. MiscellaneousProduct specification1�DimensionsWeightDisplay (LCD)MemoryDecodingVoice recording 26(W) × 67(H) × 20(D)/mm32g 128×6

Strona 31

72736.Miscellaneous FAQ 3!Check the following items first if you think the product is malfunctioning.I cannot turn on the player.If the battery is com

Strona 32 - Formatting

671. Introduction1. Introduction1. IntroductionUsage Precautions11Usage environment and product safety Refrain from using or storing the product at th

Strona 33 - [Start] button

89Product features 2※ Digital audio player with a simple design that everybody can use with ease.① Supports USB 2.0 high-speed data transmission. Data

Strona 34 - Upgrading the firmware

1011Neck string holeUSB terminalEarphone jackLCDPlay/PauseStick (See “How to use a stick.”)Function button How to use a hold switch(HOLD)If you set th

Strona 35

12132. Before You Use2. Before You Use 2. Before You UseInstalling the operating software 1󰢕 The Windows ME/2000/XP OS will recognize FY500 as a move

Strona 36 - 6. Miscellaneous

1415Click!!Click!!⑤ Click the [Install] button to install the selected utility programs one by one. ⑥ Click the [Finish] button to complete installa

Strona 37

1617Installing an USB driver manually3If FY500 cannot be connected to the PC running Windows 98/98SE① Connect FY500 to the PC using an USB cable. The

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