1 IBM i Virtualization and Open Storage (read-me first) Mike Schambureck and Keith Zblewski ([email protected] and [email protected])
10 or earlier Storage adapters (FC, SAS, SCSI) Yes Must be supported by IBM i 6.1 or higher and supported on POWER6/7-based IBM Power server Stor
11 is created, it occupies that amount of physical storage in the host IBM i LPAR, even if the disk capacity is only 50% utilized in the client LP
12 The hosting IBM i partition will experience an increase in the paging of its memory pages as a result of its hosting role. Monitor and adjust
13 A logical port on a HEA A virtual Ethernet adapter Note that both physical and virtual I/O resources can be assigned to an IBM i virtual
14 2.5.4 Configuring Electronic Customer Support (ECS) over LAN A supported WAN adapter can be assigned to the IBM i client partition for ECS. A
15 2.5.7 Operational considerations Remember that the IBM i host partition’s state may affect the IBM i client partition. For instance, when the
16 3 IBM i using open storage configurations 3.1 Storage Area Networks 101 There are some basic SAN concepts that need to be understood by a per
17 As a client of VIOS, with VIOS facilitating the access to the storage using N-Port ID virtualization (NPIV). In this case VIOS does not see
18 Another source of information is the IBM i POWER External Storage Support Matrix Summary at http://www.ibm.com/support/techdocs/atsmastr.nsf/W
19 4 IBM i using direct attach storage The capability to use open storage directly attached to IBM i has been around for a while, but only on SAN
2 1 IBM i virtualization solutions ... 5 1.1 IBM i logical pa
20 5 IBM i hosted by VIOS 5.1 Virtual SCSI and Storage virtualization concepts The IBM i storage portfolio now includes integrated SCSI, SAS or
21 The hardware and virtualization components for attaching open storage to IBM i illustrated in Figure 4 also apply to using DS5000, XIV and othe
22 Figure 5: Using NPIV for IBM i From the storage subsystem’s perspective, the LUNs, volume group and host connection are created as though the
23 In an IBM i client partition, a VSCSI client adapter is recognized as a type 290A DCxx storage controller device. Figure 6 depicts the VSCSI
24 LUNs available in VIOS can then be linked to the new vhostX device through vtscsiX devices, making them available to IBM i. Prior to May 2009,
25 Log into VIOS with padmin or another administrator user ID. VIOS always has partition ID 1 when IVM is used, and by default carries the ser
26 Specify the next available Server Adapter slot number (determined above) and click “Only selected client partition can connect”. Do NOT use
27 Click the Virtual Adapters tab and then click Actions -> Create Virtual Adapter -> SCSI Adapter… Specify the next available (determ
28 One use of the command line is to add more details to the LUNs to better manage them. The make virtual device (mkvdev) command has a device par
29 Select the cd#/virtual optical device and assign it to a partition. 5.4.5 Assigning a physical or virtual Optical/DVD/CD drive using IVM IV
3 5.2 Virtual Fibre Channel adapter concepts ... 21 5.2.1 NPIV Supported hardware and s
30 If this VE adapter is for VIOS and it will be used for a shared Ethernet adapter (SEA) (coming up in the following sections), then select th
31 5.5.5 Shared Ethernet Adapters (SEAs) In VIOS, the same Ethernet type of device, entX, is used for logical Host Ethernet ports, physical and v
32 Configuring SEAs using the VIOS CLI The following document describes how to set up auto mode using the command line interface, but y
33 cfgdev If you are using IVM, click Hardware Inventory and then click Configure devices to run the cfgdev command. After detecting the d
34 6.2 Performance When creating an open storage LUN configuration for IBM i as a client of VIOS, it is crucial to plan for both capacity and per
35 MPIO solution that provides redundant paths to a single set of LUNs. There are two MPIO scenarios possible with VIOS that remove the requiremen
36 chdev –dev hdiskX –attr algorithm=round_robin, or chdev –dev hdiskX –attr algorithm=fail_over These commands must be repeated for each
37 Note: For D5000, DS4000 and DS3000 storage subsystems with dual controllers, a connection must be made to both of the controllers to allow an a
38 Note: The order of the parameters can be changed, as shown, to facilitate repeating the command and only having to alter the hdisk number.
39 7 Attaching open storage to IBM i through VIOS As described in the “IBM i using open storage throughhosted by VIOS Virtual SCSI and Storage v
4 8.2 Virtual tape configuration using the SDMC ... 43 8.3 Virtual tape configuration using IV
40 host can access. These zone sets are combined under a zone configuration for saving and enabling/activating. See the switch manuals for the s
41 This is because AIX partitions can also use this interface and AIX supports up to 256 hdisks per adapter (though they seldom map that many). I
42 You may have to check the port type defined on the tape media library for the fibre channel port associated with the tape device. Log int
43 8 IBM i tape options An IBM i client partition with a VIOS host can use a mix of virtual and physical I/O resources. If the VIOS hosting p
44 Use telnet or PuTTy to connect to the VIOS partition. Sign in using padmin as the user ID. Enter cfgdev to check for new devices. Ent
45 9 IBM i installation and configuration The IBM i client partition configuration as a client of VIOS is the same as that for a client of an IB
46 Figure 10 Sample communications resources. If the IBM i client partition is to use a virtual Ethernet adapter to communicate with an external
47 In IVM, click View/Modify Partitions . Select the IBM i partition. From the More Tasks list, select Operator panel service functions
48 10 DS5000 direct attachment to IBM i 10.1 Overview IBM i has been able to connect to 512-byte-per-sector open storage through VIOS since early
49 As of the publication date, only the following software or firmware is supported for IBM i directly attached to DS5100 and DS5300 systems. Thi
5 1 IBM i virtualization solutions IBM i 6.1 introduced three significant virtualization capabilities that allow faster deployment of IBM i workl
50 results for IBM i directly attached to DS5300 system are in Chapter 5.1.2 of the Performance Capabilities Reference manual at: http://www-03.i
51 11 Redundant VIOS Virtual Servers hosting IBM i For a production IBM i virtual server hosted by VIOS, you want redundant VIOS virtual servers i
52 12 Copy Services and IBM i 12.1 DS4000 and DS5000 IBM has conducted some basic functional testing of DS4000 and DS5000 and Copy Services with
53 PowerHA® for IBM i. The components of the solution – DS4000 or DS5000 FlashCopy/VolumeCopy, VIOS and IBM i – must be managed separately and re
54 Figure 12: the test environment used for ERM. 12.1.3 ERM support statements The use of DS4000 and DS5000 Enhanced Remote Mirroring with IBM
55 Support statements for ERM: DS4000 and DS5000 ERM is supported by IBM i as a client of VIOS on both IBM Power servers and IBM Power blades.
56 Figure 13:The test environment used for FlashCopy. FlashCopy statements The use of SVC FlashCopy with IBM i as a client of VIOS is
57 12.2.2 Metro and Global Mirror Test scenario Figure 14 shows the test environment used for Metro and Global Mirror. Figure 14: T
58 Support statements for SVC Metro and Global Mirror: Both SVC Metro Mirror and Global Mirror are supported by IBM i as a client of VIOS on
59 12.4 DS5000 Direct attach Copy Services IBM has conducted some basic functional testing of DS5100 and DS5300 Copy Services when directly atta
6 2 IBM i hosting IBM i 2.1 IBM i hosting IBM i concepts The capability of an IBM i partition to host another IBM i partition involves hardwar
60 13 Appendix: 13.1 Additional resources These websites provide useful references to supplement the information contained in this paper 13.2 IBM
61 IBM Midrange System Storage Hardware Guide(Redbook): http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/abstracts/sg247676.html?Open. IBM System Storage DS3500:
62 14 Trademarks and disclaimers This document was developed for IBM offerings in the United States as of the date of publication. IBM may not m
63 Cooling, Chiphopper, Chipkill, Cloudscape, DataPower, DB2 OLAP Server, DB2 Universal Database, DFDSM, DFSORT, DS4000, DS6000, DS8000, e-busines
7 partition is supported for IBM i in this environment, by assigning both the types of adapters to the partition in the HMC or SDMC. 2.1.2 Stora
8 Figure 3: Example of what the client partition sees as storage. Storage spaces for an IBM i client partition do not have to match physical dis
9 Optical virtualization Any optical drive supported in the host IBM i LPAR can be virtualized to an IBM i client LPAR. An existing VSCSI
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