HP StorageWorksUsing IBM AIX Native MPIO with HPEnterprise Virtual Array storage systemsapplication notesPart number: AA-RW7EC-TESecond edition: Augus
lshsv -slshsv –s lists a summary of all EVA disk arrays connected to the system.hsvpathsThe hsvpaths command provides a summary of the HSV I/O paths.S
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About this documentThis section describes the following topics:•Applicatio n notes information,page3•Intended audience, page 3•Accessing future produc
MPIO overviewMulti-Path IO is the storage multi-pathing solution part of the AIX base O,S starting with AIX 5.2 andAIX 5.3. Storage-specific functional
Preparing for installationTo prepare your IBM AIX system for MPIO installation:1. Set up the EVA disks and SAN configuration for multipathing. For deta
RecommendationsTo ensure proper operation, HP recommends that you take the following a ction:• Add a path to the HSV utilities in the /opt/hphsv/bin d
Removing the ODM filesetTo remove the ODM fileset:1. Remove HSV disk definitions using one of the following commands:• Enter # rmhsv-d• Enter # rmdev –d
EVA disk attributesIBM AIX native commands lists the default values for the EVA disk attributes in AIX. These values ensurecorrect o peration of your
NOTE:Changes in path availability are not reported immediately if the path is inactive. An attempted I/Oon the path updates its status.chpathThe chpat
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