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Solaris SAN Conguration and
Multipathing Guide
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
4150 Network Circle
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Part No: 820–1931–12
April 2009
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 105 106

Podsumowanie treści

Strona 1 - Multipathing Guide

Solaris SAN Conguration andMultipathing GuideSun Microsystems, Inc.4150 Network CircleSanta Clara, CA 95054U.S.A.Part No: 820–1931–12April 2009

Strona 3 - Contents

System Crashes During stmsbootDuring the reboot following stmsboot enable (-e), disable (-d ), or update (-u) operations, ifyour system hangs, panics,

Strona 4

If the system is running on a Solaris 10 Update 4 OS (or later) x86 based system, perform thefollowing steps:a. Restore your original /boot/solaris/bo

Strona 6

IndexNumbers and Symbols24-bit FC addressing devices, 80AANSI standard Multipath Management API, 25-39Ap_Id, 81automatic failback, conguration, 51Bbo

Strona 7

deviceasymmetrical, 17conguration, 82devices, tape, 16devicestorage, 17disabling, multipathing, 42-45discoverydynamic, 57SAS devices, 57Eenabling, mu

Strona 8

multipathing (Continued)support, 25-39troubleshooting, 99-101Pper-port congurationconsiderations, 45-47enabling and disabling multipathing, 45-47pers

Strona 10

PrefaceThe Solaris SAN Conguration and Multipathing Guide provides an overview of the SunStorageTekTMTrac Manager software as an integrated part of

Strona 11 - HowThis Document Is Organized

Chapter 7, “Conguring IPFC SAN Devices,” explains considerations when conguring IPFCSAN Devices.Chapter 8, “Sun Solaris 10 Update 6 x86/x64 Fibre Ch

Strona 12 - Using UNIX Commands

Documentation, Support, and TrainingThe Sun web site provides information about the following additional resources: Documentation (

Strona 13 - Typographic Conventions

Shell Prompts in Command ExamplesThe following table shows the default UNIX system prompt and superuser prompt for the Cshell, Bourne shell, and Korn

Strona 14 - Shell Prompts

Product OverviewThis chapter provides an overview of the Sun StorageTek Trac Manager software, and coversthe following topics: “About Sun StorageTek

Strona 15 - Product Overview

Software FeaturesThe Sun StorageTek Trac Manager software enables multipathing connections for the SunSolaris 10 OS hosts, with the following softwar

Strona 16 - Software Features

Persistent Device Naming – Dynamic Storage Discovery Devices that are congured withinthe Solaris OS Storage Multipathing software maintain their dev

Strona 17

addition of host controllers. The software uses a round-robin load-balancing algorithm bywhich individual I/O requests are routed to active host contr

Strona 18 - Supported Standards

Serial Attached SCSI-2 (SAS2)Supported StandardsChapter 1 • Product Overview 19

Strona 19 - Serial Attached SCSI-2 (SAS2)

Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A. All rights reserved.Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual pr

Strona 21 - Conguration Task Overview

Fibre Channel Conguration OverviewThis chapter provides information about conguring the Solaris OS Fibre Channel (FC) andStorage Multipathing softwa

Strona 22 - Conguration Considerations

TABLE 2–1 Tasks to Congure Solaris OS FC and Sun StorageTek Trac Manager Software(Continued)CongurationTask Task Description Reference InformationC

Strona 23

Note – If you are performing an upgrade and want to make any Fibre Channel (FC) devicesunavailable after upgrade, those devices have to be manually un

Strona 25 - CHAPTER 3

Administering Multipathing DevicesThroughmpathadm CommandsYou determine and congure Solaris OS multipathing support by using mpathadm commands.Starti

Strona 26

List the multipathing support by typing the mpathadm list mpath-support command.# mpathadm list mpath-supportmpath-support: one

Strona 27

▼To Get a List of Initiator Ports Discovered on theSystemAn initiator port is part of a path that consists of an initiator port, target port, and a lo

Strona 28

Operational Path Count: 2/dev/rdsk/c4t60003BA27D2120004204AC1A000F1D6Cd0s2Total Path Count: 2Operational Path Count: 2▼To Get the Properties and Assoc

Strona 29 - Target Port

Target Port Name: 20030003ba27d212Override Path: NAPath State: OKDisabled: noInitiator Port Name: 2000000173018713Target Port Name: 20030003ba27d095Ov

Strona 30

ContentsPreface ...

Strona 31

Select a logical unit name from the output.Run the mpathadm show lu command.# mpathadm show lu /dev/rdsk/c4t60003BA27D2120004204AC2B000DAB00d0s2logica

Strona 32 - Multipathing Support

Run the mpathadm list lu -t command.# mpathadm list lu -t 20030003ba27d212/dev/rdsk/c4t60003BA27D2120004204AC2B000DAB00d0s2Total Path Count: 2Operatio

Strona 33

Initiator Port Name: 2000000173818713Target Port Name: 20030003ba27d212Override Path: NAPath State: OKDisabled: noInitiator Port Name: 200000017301871

Strona 34 - To Fail Over a Logical Unit

Run the mpathadm list mpath-support command.# mpathadm list mpath-supportmpath-support: libmpscsi_vhci.soSelect an mpath support name from the output

Strona 35

▼To Fail Over a Logical UnitThis operation is applicable only to devices in the following two categories: Asymmetric devices with a proprietary failov

Strona 36 - To Enable a Path

Target Port Name: 20030003ba27d095Override path: NAPath State: OKDisabled: noTarget Port Groups:ID: 2Explicit Failover: yesAccess State: standbyTarget

Strona 37

Initiator Port Name: 2000000173018713Target Port Name: 20030003ba27d095Override path: NAPath State: OKDisabled: noTarget Port Groups:ID: 2Explicit Fai

Strona 38 - To Disable a Path

mpath-support libmpscsi_vhci.soVendor: SUNProduct: T4Revision: 0301Name Type: SCSI Inquiry VPD page 83 type 3Name: 60003ba27d2120004204ac2b000dab00Asy

Strona 39

▼To Disable a PathThis operation makes the path unavailable for the logical unit, regardless of its operational state.Note – The disabled state is not

Strona 40

Target Port Name: 20030003ba27d095Override path: NAPath State: OKDisabled: noTarget Port Groups:ID: 2Explicit Failover: yesAccess State: standbyTarget

Strona 41 - Conguring Multipathing

▼ To Fail Over a Logical Unit ... 34▼ To Enable

Strona 43 - To Enable Multipathing

Conguring Multipathing SoftwareThis chapter explains how to congure the Sun StorageTek Trac Manager software that isprovided in the Solaris 10 OS f

Strona 44 - To Disable Multipathing

Multipathing ConsiderationsBefore you change multipathing conguration note the following considerations. Then followthe instructions for your machine

Strona 45

The following considerations apply to the stmsboot -e, -d, and -u options: You should reboot immediately after running the stmsboot command. Ensure th

Strona 46

If you do NOT wish to operate on these controllers, please quit stmsbootand re-invoke with -D { fp | mpt } to specify which controllers you wishto mod

Strona 47

Checking mpxio status for driver mptWARNING: This operation will require a reboot.Do you want to continue ? [y/n] (default: y) yThe changes will come

Strona 48

▼To Congure Multipathing by PortDepending on how many ports you want the multipathing software to control, you can enableor disable multipathing glob

Strona 49

For example, the following entries disable multipathing on all FC HBA controller portsexcept for the two specied ports:mpxio-disable="yes";

Strona 50

A probe implementation determines support based on some combination of scsi_inquiry(9S)data. A device with INQUIRY data indicating T10 Target-Port-Gro

Strona 51 - Conguring Automatic Failback

To add a device from a “XYZ” vendor with a product ID of “ABC”, you would add:device-type-scsi-options-list ="ACME MSU", "enable-option

Strona 52

Determining Fibre Channel Adapter Port Instances ... 60Invoking and Conguring IPFC ...

Strona 53 - Conguring SAN Devices

"XYZ ABC", "disable-option";disable-option = 0x7000000;Save and exit the scsi_vhci.conf le.Type stmsboot -u to start the reboot a

Strona 54 - Adding SAN Devices

/dev/rdsk/c3t12d0 /dev/rdsk/c10t500000E01046DEF0d0/dev/rdsk/c3t11d0 /dev/rdsk/c10t500000E01046E390d0Conguring Automatic FailbackSome storage devices

Strona 56

Conguring SAN DevicesThis chapter provides the high level overview of the steps used to congure SAN devices. In theSolaris 10 OS, FCAL, fabric, and

Strona 57 - Conguring SAS Domains

Connect arrays and other storage devices to the SAN with or without multipathingcapability. The Sun StorageTek Trac Manager software is an associate

Strona 58 - Conguring SAS Boot Devices

Mount any existing le systems available on the storage device’s LUNs or disk groups.Note – You might need to run the fsck command to repair any error

Strona 60 - To Determine Port Instances

Conguring SAS DomainsThis chapter provides overviews of SAS Domain considerations, SAS device discovery, and SASboot device conguration.SAS Multipat

Strona 61 - To Plumb an IPFC Instance

Conguring SAS Boot DevicesThe Solaris Multipathed IO software allows Solaris 10 Update 5 OS hosts to boot from amultipathed SAS device, or from a SAT

Strona 62 - Invoking and Conguring IPFC

Conguring IPFC SAN DevicesConguring Internet Protocol over Fibre Channel (IPFC) on the host system describes hostrecognition of IPFC devices and imp

Strona 63

C MultipathingTroubleshooting ...99System Fails

Strona 64

Any standard network commands can be used after IPFC is attached. These commands(telnet, ping,orftp ) are used in this environment in the same way as

Strona 65 - CHAPTER 8

iv. Search for the fp entry with pci@ hex where hex is the number you derived in Step iii.The following table shows the elements of the device path fo

Strona 66 - Installation Overview

List the physical path of the originating HBA port from which you can see the destination HBAport, where originating-hba-link is a variable for the li

Strona 67 - Installation Procedure

Use the ifconfig command with the appropriate interface.Ask your network administrator for an appropriate IP address and netmask information. Forexamp

Strona 68

Edit the /etc/nsswitch.conf le so that all uncommented entries have the word files beforeany other name service.The /etc/nsswitch.conf species which

Strona 69

Sun Solaris 10 Update 6 x86/x64 Fibre ChannelOperating System Booting ProcedureStarting with Sun Solaris 10 Update 6, x86/x64 Operating System (OS), F

Strona 70

Setup RequirementsYou must have the following items for installation. Solaris 10 Update 6 10/100/1000 Mbit/sec Ethernet network for network-based OS i

Strona 71

Installation Procedure▼To Summarize the ProcedureInstall the HBA hardware.Follow the instructions in the appropriate Sun HBA installation guide found

Strona 72

Install the Sun Solaris OS using the Solaris Interactive Installation (SunInstall). See Figure 8–2 foran example of one of several SunInstall screens.

Strona 73

During installation, select a desired array and its associated LUN.Select Manual Reboot at the end of the SunInstall utility screens and then verify y

Strona 74

FiguresFIGURE 8–1 System BIOS for Selecting Disk, CD-ROM, or Network Boot Device Priority .. 68FIGURE 8–2 Selecting an FC-based Boot Disk During Disk

Strona 75 - Persistent Binding Overview

Host controller port WWN 210100e08b206812Class primaryState ONLINEController /dev/cfg/c11Device Address 213600015d207200,0Host controller port WWN 210

Strona 76 - Creating Tape Links

During the reboot process, watch the monitor so you can enter the HBA #1 BIOS screen andspecify the boot device to be the FC LUN onto which you just i

Strona 77 - Conguration Steps

FIGURE 8–4 HBA BIOS Screen for an HBA WWNInstallation ProcedureSolaris SAN Conguration and Multipathing Guide • April 200972

Strona 78

Note –The gure shows the following modications: Selectable boot = Enabled ARRAY WWN = 213600015d207200 ARRAY LUN = 0 HBA WWN = 210100e08b206812Repea

Strona 79 - Manual Conguration

Reboot to the newly installed Solaris 10 Update 6 OS using the FC LUN specied in the systemBIOS.Post-Installation Patches for the Sun Solaris 10 Upda

Strona 80 - To Congure Manually

Persistent Binding forTape DevicesTo simplify management of servers in SAN-based data-centers, the Sun StorageTekTMSANFoundation software stack in the

Strona 81

Creating Tape LinksThe /etc/ le is called the default device table le. It species rules that devfsadmuses to create links in the /dev di

Strona 82 - Multipathing

▼Conguration StepsCreate the entries in /etc/ as described in “Creating Tape Links”on page 76.If devfsadm has previously discovered the de

Strona 84

Manual Conguration for Fabric-ConnectedDevicesThis appendix explains about conguring and unconguring the fabric devices in the Solaris 10OS. It exp

Strona 86 - Trac Manager Software

▼To Congure ManuallyTo enable manual conguration, make sure that the following line in the/kernel/drv/fp.confle does not start with an initial # ch

Strona 87

Ensuring That LUN Level Information Is Visible▼To Ensure LUN Level Information is VisibleUse the cfgadm command to identify LUN level information.If y

Strona 88

c0::50020f2300006107 disk connected unconfigured unknownc1 fc-private connected configured unknownc1::220203708b69c32b disk connected configured unkno

Strona 89 - Unconguring Fabric Devices

c0::50020f2300006107 disk connected unconfigured unknownc1 fc-private connected configured unknownc1::220203708b69c32b disk connected configured unkno

Strona 90

▼To Congure Multiple DevicesWithout MultipathingMake sure you rst identify the devices visible to the host with the procedure “Ensuring ThatLUN Leve

Strona 91

Use the show_SCSI_LUN command to display FCP SCSI LUN information for multi-LUN SCSIdevices.The following code example shows that the physical devices

Strona 92

▼To Congure Individual DevicesWith Sun StorageTekTrac Manager SoftwareThis sample procedure uses fabric-connected host ports c0 and c2 to congure f

Strona 93

c1::220203708b8d45f2 disk connected configured unknownc1::220203708b9b20b2 disk connected configured unknownc2 fc-fabric connected configured unknownc

Strona 94

Identify the fabric-connected host port to be congured.# cfgadm -alAp_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Conditionc0 fc-fabric connected configured unknownc

Strona 95 - Supported FC-HBA API

c2::50020f2300005f24,1 disk connected configured unknownc2::50020f2300006107,0 disk connected configured unknownc2::50020f2300006107,1 disk connected

Strona 96 - Manager Software

TablesTABLE 2–1 Tasks to Congure Solaris OS FC and Sun StorageTek Trac Manager Software...

Strona 97

c0::50020f23000063a9 disk connected configured unknownc1 fc-private connected configured unknownc1::220203708b69c32b disk connected configured unknown

Strona 98

Notice that the Occupant column of c0 and all the fabric devices attached to it are displayed asunconfigured.▼To Uncongure a Fabric Device Associated

Strona 99 - MultipathingTroubleshooting

Verify that the selected devices are uncongured.# cfgadm -alAp_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Conditionc0 fc-fabric connected configured unknownc0::5002

Strona 100 - your-root-device

Uncongure the Ap_Id associated with the device.Note – If the Ap_Id represents the last congured path to the device, stop all activity to the pathand

Strona 101

Identify the devices to be uncongured.# cfgadm -alAp_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Conditionc0 fc-fabric connected configured unknownc0::50020f23000060

Strona 102

Supported FC-HBA APIThis appendix contains the list of supported and unsupported FC-HBA Interfaces. For furtherinformation regarding the API, refer to

Strona 103 - Numbers and Symbols

TABLE B–1 Supported and Unsupported FC-HBA Interfaces (Continued)FC - HBA InterfacesSupported or Not Supported by Sun StorageTek TracManager Software

Strona 104

TABLE B–1 Supported and Unsupported FC-HBA Interfaces (Continued)FC - HBA InterfacesSupported or Not Supported by Sun StorageTek TracManager Software

Strona 106

MultipathingTroubleshootingThis appendix provides solutions to potential problems that might occur while running the SunStorageTek Trac Manager softw

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